I recently upgraded my suitecrm version to 7.10 from 6.4 and php to 7.0 from 5.6. I have a memcached cluster set up on aws and have php storing sessions in the cluster by setting my session save handler and path in php.ini. This was working perfectly before I upgraded but I have been running into some issues that I’ve been stuck on and I’m not positive if it’s a php or suitecrm issue.
My sessions are saving and I can see that information is being stored on the memcached server. But often I get randomly logged out and occasionally I get a message like in the image below. As of now, this seems to only happen when I’m on the dashboard. I haven’t been able to replicate any of this from any other pages.
If someone has any experience with this any help would be appreciated.
It seems it’s all Calendar related stuff (iCal). So maybe it’s your Calendar Dashlet. You can go in the Calendar module and see if you also get that prompt there.
Check your user profile options about iCal URL’s, etc.
Good luck and please share your findings when you solve this.
Yes, so far this seems to be what has been causing the problems! I’ve been testing the dashlets and when I remove the Calendar dashlet these issues go away. I haven’t learned anything past that just yet but will get back when I do.
So I’ve basically ignored this for the past several months but need to get it done now. As a slight update to what is happening:
I am getting logged out with the message that my session has expired. This happens on the calendar module after every single page reload. But, this is not exclusive to the calendar module and also happens when creating/deleting fields in the studio. I have experienced this in a few other areas too.
At some point the code gets to the startSession() function SugarApplication.php. When start_session() is called on line 594, the $_SESSION variable is actually empty, so I get logged out with a message that says my session has expired. I’m not getting any sort of errors that I can see. I just get an empty session variable back and I get logged out.
I think at this point I my limited knowledge in php sessions and how suite uses them is holding me back and I’m hoping someone might have some insight.
Since I originally posted, I have upgraded to Suite 7.10.12 with php 7.1.