Step 2 of 2 - Database Configuration Problem using SQL Server (Microsoft SQL Server Driver for PHP)

Hi All, Does anybody have any suggestions on what to check next to get past this error below on the installation wizard? Are there any logs I can check to see what’s going on? Any suggestions are appreciated! Thanks

Error: The provided database host, username, and/or password is invalid, and a connection to the database could not be established. Please enter a valid host, username and password

My info is: Using PHP 5.6.30 nts with MSVC11 (Visual C++ 2012) with Windows 7 Home SP1 IIS 7.5 through PHP FAST CGI
with SQL Server 2014.

FYI: I created a new database in SQL 2014 called SuiteCRM and a user called john

Specify Database Type
SQL Server (Microsoft SQL Server Driver for PHP)

Provide Database Name

Database Name: SuiteCRM
Host Name: localhost
SuiteCRM Database User: Same as Admin User

Site Configuration

Identify Administration User

SuiteCRM Application Admin Name: john

SuiteCRM Admin User Password ********

Re-enter SuiteCRM Admin User Password *******

URL of SuiteCRM Instance: http://localhost/MyWebsite

Email Address: *************

You should have a file called upgradeWizard.log on the root directory of your SuiteCRM.

It might give you valuable clues about what’s going wrong…

Thanks for the reply…I found this from the sugar crm log file…

[4928][-none-][FATAL] Could not connect to server localhost as john.
05/29/17 15:07:56

This isn’t really a SuiteCRM problem - simply your stack is not set up correctly and PHP is unable to connect to your database. That’s what you need to fix first.