Hi, Im trying to create Spouse field in the contacts module. I would like to be able to choose an existing contact as the spouse, Any ideas how to do this. I have tried creating a custom module, but when I select the new spouse field it does not link to the contacts module, it wants me to create a spouse contact under the spouse module.
One way to achieve this would be to make everyone a Contact (people, their spouses, their children, etc), all in the Contacts module.
Then just go in Studio, Contacts module and create a many-to-many Relationship to the same Contacts module. This way you can link Contacts to one another via a subpanel.
Thanks for replying so quickly. I setup as you mentioned (many to many relationship, contacts with contacts) however when I go to edit the layout I do not have a new field to enter. What am I missing?
Also I noticed that the system has created to new labels.
If it’s a Many to Many relationship you’ve added then there will be new Sub-Panels on the module detail view rather than a link field on the edit view.