Spots Module not appear in Suitecrm8

In versions prior to 8.0 we had the module called SPOTS, in version 8 I have not been able to see it, even if it does not exist in the directory we downloaded. What happened to that module? Is something wrong with my installation? or was it retired? know why

Thanks for your feedback, and XMAS.


Spots Module has been removed from ver.8

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@manuel428 I am curious, what did you use it for?

Hi @pgr I did not really use it in production, I explored it a while ago, and I was hoping in a new installation to apply it for a data analysis, deliver better reports to the sales unit, perhaps now that we do not have it I will be left with the concern if the SPOTS module will do it would solve.

Iยดm curious, do you know why they removed it? I was not aware of the discussion.

Thank you, I admire you very much for your contribution to the community.


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@likhobory thanks for your answer

I think the code in that module was old, buggy, and not maintained for a long time.

I believe you can achieve the same (and much better results) with more modern tools like Suite Analytics.