Spots error

I get “error occurred rendering pivottable UI” at the first use of Spots, and fail to get the pretty UI in the demo video. Any ideas how I can fix this?

This is what I see:

Mark Edwards

I have the same error-- all the way through the beta and into release

Hi Mark,

Could you let us know your deployment environment and what browser you are using?


Hosting locally on Windows Server 2012R2
Also hosting on Windows10 for my sandbox instance
MySQL 5.7
SuiteCRM 7.7
PHP 7.0.8
Chrome browser

I get the same issue on both the server instance and the localhost instance.

Mark Edwards

Ubuntu 4.0.31
MySQLi Server Info: 5.7.13-0ubuntu0.16.04.2
PHP 7.0.8
Chrome, ie and iphone/safari browsers

Version 7.7.1
Sugar Version 6.5.24 (Build 509)

Is fixed in 772