Speed up AOD task search

AOD contact search is fast, but task search takes 25 to 30 seconds. When logging at WARN level, all that is in log file is

Thu Jan 15 20:10:25 2015 [2126][1][WARN] Image icon_Home_32.png not found
Thu Jan 15 20:10:25 2015 [2126][1][WARN] Image icon_Home_32.png not found
Thu Jan 15 20:10:25 2015 [2126][1][WARN] Image CreateFP_Event_Locations.gif not found
Thu Jan 15 20:10:25 2015 [2126][1][WARN] Image FP_Event_Locations.gif not found
Thu Jan 15 20:10:25 2015 [2126][1][WARN] Image CreateAOR_Reports.gif not found
Thu Jan 15 20:10:25 2015 [2126][1][WARN] Image AOR_Reports.gif not found
Thu Jan 15 20:10:25 2015 [2126][1][WARN] Image dashboard.png not found

At info level, I see it is doing a massive amount of queries, about 5MB worth in the log file.

Here are a couple of the queries that take a long time

3.9 secs
Query:UPDATE config SET value = ‘Bitnami SuiteCRM’ WHERE category = ‘system’ AND name = ‘name’

1.4 secs
Query:UPDATE config SET value = ‘’ WHERE category = ‘proxy’ AND name = ‘host’

.52 secs
Query:UPDATE config SET value = ‘0’ WHERE category = ‘system’ AND name = ‘skypeout_on’

.54 secs
Query:UPDATE config SET value = ‘xxxxxxxxxx=’ WHERE category = ‘proxy’ AND name = ‘password’ (changed password just in case it’s not safe to post)

There are 10’s of thousands more queries, seems like way too many

Can any one shed some light on why a task search would be making the above queries, if they are necessary, and how they might be eliminated if they aren’t?

Contact searches take approximately 0.5 seconds, which is all good.

I do have AOD on,which is necessary

Can this be moved to SuiteCRM Feedback?