Sort Employees name by first name

Hi, I have SuiteCRM 7.5.1 running on Apache 2.2.

I wanted the Employees module to sort the employees by first name instead of the last name.

So I changed these lines in ListView.php:

if (($this->sortby == 'name' || $this->sortby == 'last_name') &&
			str_replace(' ', '', trim($subpanel_def->_instance_properties['sort_by'])) == 'last_name,first_name') {
			//$this->sortby = 'last_name '.$this->sort_order.', first_name ';
			$this->sortby = 'first_name '.$this->sort_order.', last_name ';

and these lines in ListViewData.php:

if (!empty($params['overrideLastNameOrder']) && $order['orderBy'] == 'last_name') {
			//$orderBy = 'last_name '.$order['sortOrder'].', first_name '.$order['sortOrder'];
			$orderBy = 'first_name '.$order['sortOrder'].', last_name '.$order['sortOrder'];

cleared the application cache, the browser cache and restarded Apache, But the employees module still sort the employees by last name…

These tweaks worked on version 7.1.4, they are not working on version 7.5.1

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you.