I’m on suiteCRM 7.11.10
with MariaDB 10.1.44
php 7.2.24
and apache 2.4.29
on an ubuntu server 18.04
I set up a group inbound email account and checked “Import Emails Automatically” and “Create case from email”.
I created the cron job under the www-data user which is the user apache is running under.
For the last 3 months, emails are imported and cases created except once in a while, some email is never imported.
I have detailed logs (with debug information) for a day when it happens.
The problem is I can’t even find a line related to this specific email in these logs (I searched for the mail sender, for the received/sent hour , … with no luck)
Running php -f cron.php manually as the www-data user doesn’t help either.
The next steps :
- I will ask our client to import the email manually to check the according logs and see if it works or not.
- I also found that SuiteCRM keeps trying to import an email already imported, I will ask our client to delete it from their IMAP server
But I don’t know where to look for any further. If anyone has any idea, please let me know