Solve Recurring Error in logs

I have these errors that repeats continuously in my logs:

-SuiteCRM Log

[07-Sep-2020 04:29:11 CST6CDT] PHP Deprecated:  Non-static method templateParser::parse_template_bean() should not be called statically in /home/username/public_html/mydomain/suitecrm/modules/AOS_PDF_Templates/templateParser.php on line 36

php_error Log

Fri Nov  6 05:00:02 2020 [36209][1][FATAL] *** FOLDERS: addBean() is trying to save to a non-saved or non-existent folder

Any idea what is the problem?

the first one disappears if you change this line

adding “static” to it:

public static function parse_template_bean($string, $key, &$focus)

This is not upgrade-safe, you might have to redo it after an upgrade.

The second one, I don’t know how to solve. I suppose its not problematic. You’ll find plenty of people asking about this in Google, and even issues on it: #6994