Solution for support three new fields types in Studio

okey Bro, I test and I report the result.

Bro not found the solutions

Absolutely fantastic! Well done and thanks so much! Is there a way the files (images in this case) can be displayed as thumbnails?


Yes. It’s possible.

Can you please advise how this can be done and what file must be edited? I have been trying to figure it out for the last few days but can’t seem to get it to work.


I think that you can replace tag “<a>” in file “custom/include/SugarFields/Fields/Link_file/DetailView.tpl” on call Smarty function “html_image” (see the file: “include/Smarty/plugins/function.html_image.php”) . I didn’t test it. Maybe I will do it some times later.

Hi @p.konetskiy ! I think your contribution to the creation of these three types of fields is great. Currently, I am trying to create a custom field to upload multiple files in a form. The version of SuiteCRM I am using is 8.6.0. I wanted to know if you could give me a hand with trying to do it in this version, as I don’t know which files/paths I need to create or modify to achieve it. I loved what you did for version 7 and would like to have it in this version since it is very useful! I appreciate any help in advance.

I have fixed some bugs in the plugin to support the current version of SuiteCRM and tested it for version 7.14.5.
I’m not sure if I’ll create a plugin version for SuiteCRM 8.


Awesome! So, do we need to download zip from GitHub link and upload using module loader?

SuiteCRM three new fields types

Will it work for 7.13 too?

Edit: read this on GitHub

The package was tested in SuiteCRM versions 7.10.x and 7.11.x . The package can be adopted to old
versions, including SugarCRM.

I am getting this error when I am trying to upload zip to module loader

The zip file is missing a manifest.php file. Cannot proceed.

Edit: I installed it. We need to unzip file and then choose SuiteCRM_new_Fields_types zip from the folder.

@p.konetskiy thank you for this update, it’s really appreciated. :tada:

I tested it on three different OS and didn’t see any problem. When I downloaded the archive, there was no additional archive in it. It was the file SuiteCRM_new_Fields_types zip only.

I got error information about the field type “collection file”. I will try to fix it today.

UPD: Bug fix complete.


I think that it should work for this version. I tested it in version 7.12.6 and 7.14.5 .