Social - Twitter and Facebook integration


The e-mail announcement for 7.1 mentioned social media integration but I can’t find anything like that after the update to 7.1. Is there any documentation about this feature or can anybody give me a hint on where to look for it?


In the beta it had to be enabled through the admin “enable connectors” area. Not sure as in my test server upgrade that screen won’t load now.

Hi guys,

If you navigate to Enable Connectors, there should be steps listed on how to set up your social integration.



When i go into connector to enable i get error messages

Fatal error: Class ‘ext_rest_inbox25’ not found in /home/flavalo1/public_html/include/connectors/sources/SourceFactory.php on line 61

Hi Altonnya,

Do you have any plugins installed?

It seems you are recieving this error because of a missing connector
folder in custom/modules/Connectors/connectors/sources/ext/rest/inbox25 that contains the files to display the connector.

If you are not using the connector you can comment out the definition for the missing connector in


in the ustom/modules/Connectors/connectors/sources/ext/rest/ I have no inbox listed only facebook, twitter and inideview

there is no connector.php in this folder

Hi altonnya90

You are recieving this error because inbox isn’t listed and Sugar is looking for it you need to stop sugar looking for the file by following the steps below.

  1. Open the file custom/modules/Connectors/metadata/connectors.php
  2. Comment out remove the array entry for ext_rest_inbox25

THERE IN NO connectors.php in the folder

The Connectors.php file is generated automatically and contains the details of each connector,

If you have previously had another connector installed it will be looking for those files which might not be there any longer.

If the connectors.php file is not being created then it would appear that there is files in the connectors folder which should not be there it does look like it is looking for a connector called ext_rest_inbox25.

I’m having problems opening the page for enabling connectors. I checked the logs and found the following error message:

PHP Fatal error:  Call to a member function getMapping() on a non-object in /var/www/sugar/include/connectors/component.php on line 311, referer: http://localhost/sugar/index.php?module=Connectors&action=ConnectorSettings

I’m having the feeling that there might be a damaged connector installed but I have no idea where to find those and how to clean it up.


I think I was able to identify which connector is causing me trouble: ext_rest_insideview

I just can’t figure out how to get rid of this connector. I thing it came with my original sugar CE install but I never used it.

Hi till,

Inside view is a default connector and chances are, it can not be removed.

Regarding this error with ext_rest_inbox25 ? inbox25 looks like a plugin for SugarCRM for marketing purposes. this plugin sounds like it has at one point been installed as a connector on your instance. If you are still getting this error relating to ext_rest_inbox25 then my guess is that somehwhere in the connectors module it relates to this connector which now does not exist.

Connectors.php is normally the big issue when a connector is removed as this holds an array of existing connectors which causes problems. there could possibly be other files which contain information like this.

Did you upgrade to 7.1 or was this a clean install ?

Ian, I did upgrade from 7.0.2 to 7.1 but this Sugar instance was installed over two years ago. Ever since then it’s been updated with SugarCE updates and about 3 months ago with SuiteCRM.

I replaced custom/modules/Connectors and modules/Connectors with files from a working SuitCRM instance (same version) but I’m still seeing the same issue. What other files can influence this?


Hi Till,

There is other files in include/connectors - this does look like where the error is coming from however these are core files which really shouldnt need to be changed. If you have changed all the files in custom/modules/connectors and modules/connectors, I cant think of anywhere else that could cause it.


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That was it. I replaced these files and it’s working now. Thank you so much for your help!

Hi there!

I’ve enabled the social media (facebook & twitter) plugins through Enable Connectors, but I can’t seem to find where you access this/what it actually does? Where and how do I use this feature?


To set up the facebook integration.

  1. Go to
  2. Click on Apps -> Create new App and fill in the details
  3. Click on Settings -> Enter the Website Url this will be your suite instance url, Display Name, Contact email.
  4. You should now have the Application ID and App secret in suite go to Connectors -> Set Connector Properties and paste these into the relevant fields.
  5. Next go to Connectors -> Enable Connectors and drag the modules you wish to use the facebook integration on.
  6. Go to a module you have enabled the integration on and enter a Facebook Username.
  7. On the detail view there should be a panel containing all Facebook posts from that user.

To pull in your facebook stream into the sugar activity stream.

  1. Go to Admin -> Activty Steam and check the checkbox for Facebook.
  2. Navigate to your dashboard there should be a button to log into facebook at the top of the Activity Stream Dashlet.
  3. Log into facebook and refresh the dashlet and your Facebook feed will be pulled in

The process is nearly identical for the twitter integration

Cool, thanks so much! Excited to explore the possibilities there :wink:

All of that has been done. No log into Facebook button on the activity stream.