SOAP Error (repoeat of ?)

Any solutions to the above bug yet?

Since upgrading our server to php v8 all leads and communications have stopped going into the CRM with error: "SOAP call: service died unexpectedly "

For years, we used the code (on the website):

function put_into_sugar($off_market,$saved_search,$avm_address,$…etc…etc…){
$options = array(‘location’=> 'https://crm.xxxcom/service/v4_1/soap.php’,‘uri’=> '’,‘trace’=> 1);$user_auth = array(‘user_name’=> ‘xxx’,‘password’=> MD5($xxxxPASS),‘version’=> ‘.01’);
$client = new SoapClient(NULL,$options);
$response = $client->login($user_auth,‘test’);
$session_id = $response->id;
$user_id = $client->get_user_id($session_id);
$response = $client->set_entry($session_id, ‘Leads’,array(

Which now is failing.
Any ideas??