So where is the SuiteCRM 8?

When is it coming out?

Sorry but at this point it’s not a good moment to ask. Our Roadmap needs to be updated but there is still some indefinition so we haven’t updated it yet.

It’s happening - people are working on it already. I hope we can give you a timeline soon, though not quite yet.

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We updated the Roadmap and the LTS timeline:

You will see it doesn’t have a lot of new information, it’s still a bit vague, but at least it is not false and outdated as the previous pages were. We’ll post more information as soon as we have it. Thanks.

I see that there is a huge step forward planned “New/Enhanced Extendable framework – easier third party development”

I hope that you are looking at symfony as a framework for SuiteCRM 8 as I am happy to jump in and contribute as well.

If not, which are you considering?

I downloaded the code and you are actually using (pasrt of) symfony 3.4.

You should get mentioned on

Where did you download the code from? And where are we using Symphony? (I don’t think we are…)

from the github account salesagility/suitecrm

in the composer.json
“symfony/options-resolver”: “^3.4”,
“symfony/validator”: “^3.4”,
“symfony/yaml”: “^3.4”,

I think those are just bits of libraries that are useful for particular purposes. I am not sure of how much more of it will be used.

Suite 8 will use Angular, I know that much.

You really should. Btw Angular is front end stuff only right?

Yes, I believe we can say that Angular and symfony aren’t really comparable, and they are definitely not exclusive.

Angular is front-end only, as far as I know.

So any plans for the backend framework? Sure like to follow the discussion as you really want community engagement

We can’t change everything in Suite 8 :slight_smile: and meanwhile we have to keep working on basic code quality objectives like autoloading and automated tests coverage. That is a LOT of work.

Which parts of Symfony do you think could be reasonably applied in SuiteCRM and for what?

Thanks for starting this discussion.

PS - I hope you know I am not a product developer, i work mostly on Community so don’t take my word as definitive on any of these matters

So, is it coming out anytime soon?

Do you guys at least have screen shots of SuiteCRM 8?
Because we are on the verge of switching to another crm platform only because SuiteCRM interface is just outdated and not easy to use.
Just wanted to see how it’s going to look like.

Looks like Q1 2020 is the date set for the 8.0 release. Have a look a the below links.

Does anyone have additional screenshots-teasers of SuiteCRM8?

Hey @acoolov

We are ramping up the info on the Suite 8’s in-n-outs in the coming new year. :slightly_smiling_face:

@samus-aran will stay version 8 on PHP as Backend and Angular mvc as Frontend ? or you’ll leave away from PHP with new SuiteCMR 8 architecture in the medium term ?

I saw that

SuiteCRM 8 functionality will be released iteratively throughout 2020. From a technology perspective, the introduction of a new Core framework will result in the deprecation of all residual SugarCRM contributions from the codebase leaving a leaner and more maintainable application.

Are there any updates on SuiteCRM 8? I’m checking weekly.

Will there be a beta release soon?

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Was just wondering the same. It’s awfully hard to get news on if we’ll get SuiteCRM 8 any time this decade