Send Test Email
Error:SMTP connect() failed.


Can you please tell me which Email Server/Account you are using? Gmail? Yahoo? which one?

And also mention your SuiteCRM Version.

if you test system email settings as an admin it might be that the email is working.
There is a rights Problem that the admin cannot test the outgoing system email setting.

There should be no rights problem as Admin user has access to all the features of the CRM.
Can you please set your CRM permission and then try Repair your CRM. After doing so please try again.


I have written in many posts, that an admin cannot test system email because he gets informed that the email account could not authenticate but it is only a wrong message. In fact the email smtp account is working and setting up a group email imap account and sending as a user emails trough this group email and system smtp account are delivered.

if you are a responsible developer for the email module please read my contribution to 7.10.4

I can show and proof this described behaviours at any time.

Ok this is my contribution to the weakest link in suitecrm: the email system. Most bugs are known since a long time and reported in the forum. I tried to make a fresh start from 7.10.4.
I trust that there have been development work since 7.10.0 but more in the background I believe. Even tough I appreciate any progress and I like suitecrm. I hope we can use it in the future.
@pgr: Please take care that this gets reported to the responsible person. I´m not the guy to put something into Github. I see that you contribute extremly often to the formun. Thank you!

Tested on Centos 7, PHP 7.2.4. Fresh 7.10.4 installation (no upgrade). Installation went trough smoothly.

First task: setup system email account.
Here I see a misleading information: The menu says Email settings. This is misleading. This should be somewhat as “system Email outbound settings or System Email”.
Add first email address and credentials -> test email, error: „no connection“, no log window
(I know it is working, see later).

Next steps:
Setup user account
Setup group mail account
System preselects inbound directory but not trash (I do it manually)
Check box “Allow users to send emails using the “From” Name”
Test settings -> works, this time ok message window is not partly hidden in screen
Reopen inbound and group email account through admin menu
->Send test email still works (was a problem in earlier versions)
Logout as admin
Login as user
Open user profile
Open settings under email settings
 No group email account visible
Fill in “not working email address” used under system email settings in users email window and save it.
Reopen settings -> no emails (neither private nor group)
Add mail account (same as before filled in in user email section). Don´t understand why to add an email address on front page, which is after wards not shown under settings.
Choose email folders: Trash is mandatory but does not get filled in automatically as inbox does. Two questions marks (why to choose manually and why is trash mandatory and as example sent not). I have never installed an imap email where the folders where not taken automatically from the system. Any way.

Test settings -> works, this time ok message window is mostly hidden in screen (means different program files used in system inbox (why is this split?).
Set outgoing email account and add a smtp account (same as is not working und system email)
Send test email with as said “not working system email outbound account”. -> is working
the email sent to same email address as setup is arriving.
-> from name is coming from user name which is not desired I think
(why not choose the set “from name”?). This is major problem in all kind of emails.
now big surprise: group email account is visible in settings. I tick the “active box” and save and save

ok next step: as user I go to emails menu
personal and group email account incoming show up.
Bad things here:
 There is no difference between already read emails and not read emails. Big killer for a group email and also private email account where many people work with and not usual in imap behaviour.
 After choosen an email account it is not visible on which account we are working on. This is a problem if you monitor many group and personal email accounts.

Sending emails from private account:
Works to same email address as account but -> no from name (only email address)
 Email sent window should disappear automatically. Users expect that an email gets sent and they don´t want to click many hundred times a day a window away.
 The page in browser reloads completely with a white screen between and that is a strange behaviour and not good for the people using the system every day. Many flashes a day.

Sending from group email: works and it is performed through the system outgoing account (the one the admin cannot test due to rights problem).
I then went back to the system outgoing email and changed the smtp server to a false address.
sent again an email through group account which was reported as fail.
This is a proof, that the system outgoing email account is working even though an administrator sets it up but cannot send test email to check function.

I started to test some behaviour if I put in wrong email settings, credentials.
In personal account when testing email the message box is hidden behind the windows in the browser. You can blind back tab and enter but you can only imagine was is written. No error log window.
If you save the account there is now a test starting in the background. The answer is taking long and is misleading it says that you have to check your settings and imap field is outlined red. It has nothing to do with imap field though. I would not outline something if it’s not the field, which is wrong.

I am still convinced that a user in a crm system should not be able to change or create email account. At least there should be a way to allow or disallow such. Or a superuser functionality.

Now the other way round.
I log in as admin and go to user profile.
I open email settings. There is a pencil in user personal email imap but windows does not open.
I can open personal email outbound settings but cannot send email even though this is working as I now from user testing. There are rights problems.
If an admin cannot test system email settings and is able to open users personal email settings but has no rights to test then please think about what you want. Either let the user do all the settings and keep admin out or better give admin the rights to be admins. At least for the system account. In any case, there should be a clear message that the admin is not allowed to test. Otherwise he will lose to much time for findings errors which are no errors but misleading information.
In group email from name and from address is still mixed up. A bug which is long time known but not even this no brainer is solved.
In personal emails from name does never show. There it is not a mix up. The from name field is probably simply not used.

I already tried with the administrator user it was not possible for me to miss the following error: Attached image