SMTP Error: Data not accepted

Hi all.
I’ve triyng to setup office365 email account in SuiteCRM and got this error in sugarcrm.log:
[20459][seed_chris_id][FATAL] SugarPHPMailer encountered an error: SMTP Error: Data not accepted.
SMTP settings from this manual:
Login/pass correct. Firewall is disabled.
What i’m missing?

From the SugarCRM forums:

Sounds like the email server is rejecting the data (message body) or the recipient. SMTP protocol is problematic with SugarCRM. SugarCRM does not handle rejections of messages well at all. Some email servers will reject email from unauthorized senders. A communication error can also cause a reject of the message. There are so many things that can go wrong with the SMTP method because of unreliability and sugarCRMs ability to compensate for those errors. The best method is to have a mail server in the LAN to handle the delivery. Windows does limit your email sending options. to using SMTP. Under Linux/Unix the best option is to use sendmail and let sendmail deal with delivery of the messages as it is better equipped to deal with delivery errors.

Are there any other errors or does it just output the ‘Data not accepted’ error?



We are experiencing a very similar problem when trying to send email campaigns.

[FATAL] SugarPHPMailer encountered an error: SMTP Error: data not accepted.
[FATAL] Email delivery FAILURE:Array
[date_entered] => 2016-09-13 10:20:44
[date_modified] =>
[user_id] => e2ef51af-f562-ce23-e046-570fa19f041d
[id] => 393337
[campaign_id] => 7b2062cb-e507-12ae-9ce6-57d7cc4d3427
[marketing_id] => 15d09d28-0c62-d63d-dc38-57d7cc0943ba
[list_id] => dd443715-7a80-6b09-fbb1-57d7ccd963bb
[send_date_time] => 2016-09-13 10:19:44
[modified_user_id] =>
[in_queue] => 0
[in_queue_date] =>
[send_attempts] => 0
[deleted] => 0
[related_id] => ee00c385-6c9a-d631-c962-5710f51f7511
[related_type] => Contacts
SMTP Error: data not accepted.SMTP server error: DATA command failed Detail: try again in 23163 second(s)
SMTP code: 422

Apologies for the res of an old topic but I haven’t found this anywhere else!

It appears the recipients email box might be full?



The recipient’s mailbox has exceeded its storage limit.

Best is to contact contact the user via another channel to alert him and ask to create some free room in his mailbox.

The problem is that the log gives the same code 422 thousands of times over for everyone in the queue.

It’s also doing this for test messages (which come to me!) and I certainly have space in my inbox.

Does this only happen with email campaigns? Or also workflow, test messages from user account or SMTP setup page, etc?

Do you have your own server? Or are you hosting it on a shared/vps/dedicated server?

This thread was started with someone on Office365, is that what you’re using as well, if not, what is your SMTP server?

Have you sent any mail successfully through SMTP on this SuiteCRM install?

Are there any error logs in your PHP or other server error logs?


In the end we just side-stepped the issue and changed the smtp server name to one that seems to work.

I’m guessing that the problems were more to do with the server hosts than with suitecrm itself.

Anyway, thanks for taking an interest. I’ll keep my fingers crossed and hope that nothing else decides to stop working!

I believe the issue is happening because the mail domain from the mail campaigns don’t match the mail domain of the system. You have to enable on your mail system provider the ability to allow sending emails on behalf of other mails