SMTP email settings lost after upgrade to 7.11.15

Hi Guys,

I usually don’t post unless I have to. My issue is this. I have a SuiteCRM in Windows Server. This weekend we upgraded from 7.10.13 to 7.11.15
All went well except that the email settings were lost. Now when trying to add it again, the system doesn’t save the information. If I add the information and test it without saving, email is send without issues.

Please let me know if you have any idea on how it could be solved.




I’d recommend running the Quick Repair & Rebuild in Admin->Repair, and re-setting the file/folder permissions on the instance, if you haven’t already
(just to rule this out)

Otherwise, do you get any error messages in either Suitecrm.log or apache logs when trying to submit the Email Settings?

Also, If you have database access, it may be worth also checking the “outbound_email” table, to confirm whether this table is getting populated with your values when submitting, or if it remains unchanged

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Thanks for replying. I believe I solved the issue. Just before your reply came in.

Now: regarding your recommendations:

To solve it I went to the outbound_email table and added the admin ID in the created_by column. After that I was able to see the configuration and send the test email.

Now I can see the configuration in the email settings section.

I would like to mention that email worked fine when I upgraded to 7.11.13 when I did a full upgrade test few weeks ago. Don’t know if something was introduced in version 7.11.14.

Will keep on eye on it and get back to you if I see any other issue.




Great, glad to hear!

Definitely keep us posted if you come across anything else :slight_smile: