SkypeOut callto: tel: Code Location

Can someone using a better PHP editor than I am using do a search and figure out where they SkypeOut functionality is implemented.

I want to make a simple change to make “callto:” become “tel:” so that a mobile phone can click the number and call.


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Thanks Will… and now for contribution to the group.

This is not upgrade safe… if you have SkypeOut turned OFF, replacing /include/Smarty/plugins/function.sugar_phone.php with the attached file (I had to change the extension to .txt to allow upload) will format all phone numbers as “tel:” which your cell phone interprets as a clickable phone number, instead of “callto:” which your cell phone pukes on.

By the way, you can tell your PC that Skype or SkypeForBusiness is the application that you want to use to open “tel:” links, so best of both worlds!

I would like to request this as a feature in 7.1.4.

    } else {
		// Changed this to format for cell phones if SkypeOut is turned off.  ADS 10/1/2015
			return '<a href="tel:'.$params['value'].'">'.$params['value'].'</a>';
    	// Was: return $params['value'];


Keywords: Cell Phone, Mobile Phone, Clickable Phone Number

Any news of this fixing making it’s way into an update / release? Still have the issue here

Can anyone tell me how to make this upgrade safe?


I believe you just

change the location from /include/smarty/plugins/function.sugar_phone.php to custom/include/smarty/plugins/function.sugar_phone.php