Simple Emailing to more than one user while updating case

Hi, I am able to send E mail to more than one user but It does not send case updates. The email contains only template and nothing valuable info inside it.
I don’t know how to get that info in that template.

This is a customization you’ve made, right? You’ll have to post full code if you want us to try and help…

Send Case Update 1 function :-

It is inside CaseUpdates Hook:-

public function sendCaseUpdate1()

  	$caseUpdate = new AOP_Case_Updates();
        global $current_user, $sugar_config;
        $email_template = new EmailTemplate();
        if ($_REQUEST['module'] === 'Import') {
            //Don't send email on import
        if (!isAOPEnabled()) {
        if ($caseUpdate->internal) {
        $signature = array();
        $addDelimiter = true;
        $aop_config = $sugar_config['aop'];
         if ($caseUpdate->assigned_user_id) {
             if ($aop_config['contact_email_template_id']) {
                 $email_template = $email_template->retrieve($aop_config['contact_email_template_id']);
                $signature = $current_user->getDefaultSignature();
            if ($email_template->id) {
                foreach ($caseUpdate->getContacts() as $contact) {
                    $GLOBALS['log']->info('AOPCaseUpdates: Calling send email');
        } else {
            $emails = $caseUpdate->getEmailForUser();
            if ($aop_config['user_email_template_id']) {
                 $email_template = $email_template->retrieve($aop_config['user_email_template_id']);

            $addDelimiter = false;
            if ($emails && $email_template) {
                $GLOBALS['log']->info('AOPCaseUpdates: Calling send email');

sendEmail 1 function

It is inside AOP Case Updates :-

  public function sendEmail1(
        $signature = array(),
        $caseId = null,
        $addDelimiter = true,
        $contactId = null
    ) {
        $GLOBALS['log']->info('AOPCaseUpdates: sendEmail called');
        require_once 'include/SugarPHPMailer.php';
        $mailer = new SugarPHPMailer();
        $admin = new Administration();


        $signatureHTML = '';
        if ($signature && array_key_exists('signature_html', $signature)) {
            $signatureHTML = from_html($signature['signature_html']);
        $signaturePlain = '';
        if ($signature && array_key_exists('signature', $signature)) {
            $signaturePlain = $signature['signature'];
        $emailSettings = getPortalEmailSettings();
  $text = $this->populateTemplate($template, $addDelimiter, $contactId);
        $mailer->Subject = $text['subject'];
        $mailer->Body = $text['body'] . $signatureHTML;
        $mailer->AltBody = $text['body_alt'] . $signaturePlain;
        $mailer->From = $emailSettings['from_address'];
        $mailer->FromName = $emailSettings['from_name'];
        try {
            if ($mailer->send()) {
                require_once 'modules/Emails/Email.php';
                $emailObj = new Email();
                $emailObj->to_addrs_names = implode(',', $emails);
                $emailObj->type = 'out';
                $emailObj->deleted = '0';
                $emailObj->name = $mailer->Subject;
                $emailObj->description = $mailer->AltBody;
                $emailObj->description_html = $mailer->Body;
                $emailObj->from_addr_name = $mailer->From;
                if ($caseId) {
                    $emailObj->parent_type = 'Cases';
                    $emailObj->parent_id = $caseId;
                $emailObj->date_sent = TimeDate::getInstance()->nowDb();
                $emailObj->modified_user_id = '1';
                $emailObj->created_by = '1';
                $emailObj->status = 'sent';

                return true;
        } catch (phpmailerException $exception) {
            $GLOBALS['log']->fatal('AOPCaseUpdates: sending email Failed:  ' . $exception->getMessage());
        $GLOBALS['log']->info('AOPCaseUpdates: Could not send email:  ' . $mailer->ErrorInfo);

        return false;

Logic Hook :-

 $hook_array['before_save'][] = Array(10, 'Save case updates', 'modules/AOP_Case_Updates/CaseUpdatesHook.php','CaseUpdatesHook', 'sendCaseUpdate1');