Silly Question... How to Delete an email 7.9.1?

Might be a silly question, but I’ve been trying to figure out how to delete an email from my inbox in the latest version of SuiteCRM and just can’t figure out how to do it. Am I missing something obvious? Or is this something that was forgotten in the new email upgrade?

I have the same problem…

Ugh… due to the Email debacle with 7.9.0 I am way behind in my project waiting for the fix to come out so was excited to see 7.9.1. So I just had finally some time to get around to do thorough testing and right away, first function I wanted to use was Delete Email and it is missing. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. Probably both I guess.

Apparently, for the time being, you can only delete imported emails. Which I guess means you may have to use two different email clients unless you always import all emails from the account.

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