Hello Community!
May I ask a quick advice on the Meeting’s module: given a Meeting with many invited Contacts, how do I show the Meeting in the Activities subpanel of the Account to which the invited contacts belong?
Hello Community!
May I ask a quick advice on the Meeting’s module: given a Meeting with many invited Contacts, how do I show the Meeting in the Activities subpanel of the Account to which the invited contacts belong?
If it’s ok to just show it in a separate subpanel, this should help (tell us if you need help with the SQL):
If you really want it in the Activities subpanel, it’s harder, I’m not sure how to do it. that subpanel is more complex because it aggregates data from several modules…
Thank you very much @pgr for your answer, and sorry for my late reply!
I see, it makes sense to make a separata subpanel, I will try that
If in the future I will have the time to implement the feature in the Activity subpanel, I will report back to the forum.
Thank you and have a nice day!