Show Full Names In Assigned To


I want when I assigned lead or opportunity (or) , it should show full names. By default, it shows the username instead. I tried activating the Show Full Names In user management and in system settings too. But didnt find any change.

Can anyone help me in this ?



Where do you want it shown? Are you talking about the notification emails, or on a screen? Which one, exactly?

THanks for the reply. I was talking about the Showing full names Wherever the assigning to is ther like On Create Lead form… when you assigned to a user, it shows username intead it should show the full name of the user to whom its assigned. Similarly in List view of Lead, it show the Full Name intead of username of the user.


You’ll have to do it view by view, one by one…

You need to go fetch the user full name from the related “user” table (that’s probably why many views opt for the faster “username” field). So any tutorials you find about displaying related field in list views or detail views should apply.

Thanks for sharing. I checked & its done.


There is something strange here. I have the same issue, assigned user shown as username, on an instance which was created directly from the github source.
I have another local instance create form bitnami which has exactly the same version and there the assigned user is shown as full name.
I may assume that both sources are the same. Why is there a difference in behaviour between the 2 instances?

There is also a difference in what is shown as your profile in top right corner. I shows admin instead of the full name.
You can’t search on the full name when you want to assign an user, you can only search on the username.
I checked these lat to items on the demo site and there they both work fine, show the correct full name on the profile and searchable on the full name.

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When you say “directly from Github source”, you just mean the download, right? Then you ran a normal installation from “install.php”?

Maybe try a few repairs from Admin / Repair, that might bring the two installations to a similar state. But what you describe is strange…

Yes I did a normal install via install.php.

There is no difference in the code. I did a parallel install form the and got the same result.
Question is why is the installation on this server different?

Server info

This is mysterious :huh:

In my 7.11.4 it also works well (full names).

Can you find some difference between the two servers? Something old in custom directory, perhaps? One was an upgrade, the other a clean install?

I checked already many things. Both are clean installs for correct comparison.

Even when I inspect the html pages, the code is the same, and it says type is relate and field is assigned_user_name but data_id_value is “admin”.

Inspect view

Any idea why code could act different?

Hi guys, I am also having problems with this on fresh install 7.10.15.

I have also one 7.8.x updated to 7.10.14 and in that everything is ok.

It looks like a bug because everywhere that assigned_user_name is used it reads user_name instead of full_name. Problem is also in auto-populate when you try to find user; I can not search by NAME or LAST_NAME only by system user_name ?!

I have searched for problems/differences in:
include/EditView/EditView2.php - no luck
include/utils.php – no luck

Any idea where to look next?

Best regadrs,

@pgr mentioned that this works on 7.11.x so I checked once again on System Settings and found : Show Full Names.

But for me this is not working, and I believe this is the problem.

Ok guys, sorry I am stupid, but if anyone is can save itself this is the problem:
Show Full Names MUST BE SET FOR EVERY USER - global setting is not mandatory for all users

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Thanks fcorluka, that fixed the problem for me.

Can you please explain better? I can see the “show full names” option in Admin / System settings, but I can’t find it in User Profile.

So how do you set it for each user?

I go into my profile -> tab Advanced ->User Settings (first part of screen at bottom) : Show Full Names

Ah, there it is, I had missed it before :blink:

And so, why is there a general option in Admin / System settings? What does that one do?

It’s the general setting for the new accounts.
So when you set in correct from the start, all new accounts will have this setting.

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Currently trying to display the full name instead of username in the note subpannel of account (in created by), should be nice if you post your piece of code !