Show Files with Bad Permissions | root

Short question: Can I create a user in linux, assign that user as owner of the suitecrm directory, then upgrade?

SuiteVersion 7.9.4
CentOS 7 64bit
Cloud Server through IONOS | SuiteCRM installed by CloudServer

IONOS installed SuiteCRM under user:root so ownership of all files is root. I’m trying to upgrade to 7.10.9… The system check comes up with File: Show Files with Bad Permissions

Partial List Below:
File Name Permissions Owner Group
/home/default/html/vcal_server.php 0755 root root
/home/default/html/vCard.php 0755 root root
/home/default/html/upload 0775 root root

I believe the read/write permission are ok, I think its the owner that is the problem.

When I run a php script <?php echo get_current_user(); I get root as the user.

I would say you have two separate things to deal with:

  1. Stop running your web server as root, get some other user to run it (this is essential for security!). This is an Apache configuration (or whatever web server you’re using).

  2. After that, change ownership on your SuiteCRM files to match this new user.

Then check everything is working fine and then attempt the upgrade.

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Awesome. Thanks for the quick reply. I’m doing that right now. Let you know how it goes.

I don’t understand why they offer SuiteCRM if they auto set it up that way.

OK, I’m back.Evidently the server is running under apache as user.
Per IONOS “The default user for Apache is root, but your websites should each have their own owners/users if they are configured properly.”

The user/group from the config file is
User apache
Group apache

I’ve done the following from the Suite root dir.
chown -R apache:apache html/
chmod -R 755 .
chmod -R 775 cache custom modules themes data upload config_override.php

When I go to the upgrade wizard, the upgradeWizard.log isn’t writable so I give 777 permission and I can run the upgrade.

Then same flag on Show Files with Bad Permissions

File Name	Permissions	Owner	Group
/home/default/html/vcal_server.php	0755	apache	apache
/home/default/html/vCard.php	0755	apache	apache
/home/default/html/upload	0775	apache	apache
/home/default/html/themes/default/less/wells.less	0775	apache	apache
/home/default/html/themes/default/less/variables.less	0775	apache	apache
/home/default/html/themes/default/less/utilities.less	0775	apache	apache
/home/default/html/themes/default/less/type.less	0775	apache	apache
/home/default/html/themes/default/less/tooltip.less	0775	apache	apache
/home/default/html/themes/default/less/thumbnails.less	0775	apache	apache
/home/default/html/themes/default/less/tables.less	0775	apache	apache
/home/default/html/themes/default/less/sugarmobile.less	0775	apache	apache
/home/default/html/themes/default/less/sugar.less	0775	apache	apache
/home/default/html/themes/default/less/sprites.less	0775	apache	apache

List goes on. What could be the problem?

The problem is (still) that your Apache is running as root.

As long as this is true:

then that’s what’s effectively happening. You need to check your configuration and make that part work. After that, your assigned permissions will work without the need for “777” (which works, no matter which user your web server is using, but means zero security).