I’m creating a template new quotation template. Is there a way to show discount column, only when the field is populated? Otherwise, it is not shown in the template output?
Yes, same here. Invisible. People tend to ask why there’s no discount.
Absolutely. That’s exactly my opinion.
Hope we get help from the professionals.
Best regards
Hope you are fine.
Have you already found a solution for this topic?
Very best regards
We haven’t. No one replied.
I got a little bit further, with this topic.
But I miss the percent symbols, when a discount is entered.
Important is, no percent symbols should be displayed, if no discount is entered.
Here is the file I’m working on:
suitecrm \ htdocs \ modules \ AOS_PDF_Templates \ templateParser.php
foreach ($repl_arr as $name => $value) {
if (strpos($name, 'product_discount') !== false || strpos($name, 'quotes_discount') !== false) {
if ($value !== '0,00') {
if ($isValidator->isPercentageField($repl_arr['aos_products_quotes_discount'])) {
$sep = get_number_separators();
$value = rtrim(
rtrim(format_number($value), ''),
) . $app_strings['LBL_PERCENTAGE_SYMBOL'];
else {
$value = '';
if ($name === 'aos_products_product_image' && !empty($value)) {
$value = '<img src="' . $value . '" class="img-responsive"/>';
if ($name === 'aos_products_quotes_product_qty') {
$sep = get_number_separators();
$value = rtrim(rtrim(format_number($value), '0'), $sep[1]);
if ($isValidator->isPercentageField($name)) {
$sep = get_number_separators();
$value = rtrim(rtrim(format_number($value), ''), $sep[1]) . $app_strings['LBL_PERCENTAGE_SYMBOL'];
if (
$focus->field_defs[$name]['dbType'] == 'datetime' &&
(strpos($name, 'date') > 0 || strpos($name, 'expiration') > 0)
) {
if ($value != '') {
$dt = explode(' ', $value);
$value = $dt[0];
if (isset($dt[1]) && $dt[1] != '') {
if (strpos($dt[1], 'am') > 0 || strpos($dt[1], 'pm') > 0) {
$value = $dt[0] . ' ' . $dt[1];
if ($value != '' && is_string($value)) {
$string = str_replace("\$$name", $value, $string);
} else {
if (strpos($name, 'address') > 0) {
$string = str_replace("\$$name<br />", '', $string);
$string = str_replace("\$$name <br />", '', $string);
$string = str_replace("\$$name", '', $string);
} else {
$string = str_replace("\$$name", ' ', $string);
Hope someone can help.
Many thanks in forward and best wishes.
I think an “if-then” command is still missing, something like this:
if($name == "aos_products_quotes_product_discount" && $value == "0.00"){
then hide the % symbol ;
But how can I integrated this, with the right program code here?:
foreach ($repl_arr as $name => $value) {
if (strpos($name, 'product_discount') !== false || strpos($name, 'quotes_discount') !== false) {
if ($value !== '0,00') {
if ($isValidator->isPercentageField($repl_arr['aos_products_quotes_discount'])) {
$sep = get_number_separators();
$value = rtrim(
rtrim(format_number($value), ''),
) . $app_strings['LBL_PERCENTAGE_SYMBOL'];
else {
$value = '';
“aos_products_quotes_discount” is the % symbol
Can someone help, please.
Best regards