Show account name in projects screen

Hi everyone, i need to see the name of the company (account) that the project is associated in the project list screen.


Hey there,

Have you found a solution for this?

I don’t believe this is something that can be easily achieved out of the box
(unless I have missed something obvious)

As the relationship between Accounts & Projects is Many-To-Many, it exists as two subpanels.
(One on each module)

And Subpanel contents can’t be displayed on the Parent Module’s Listview OOTB.

However, you might be able to create a Workaround

You could either:

  • Create a new Relationship in Studio, (Either 1-1 or 1-to-Many, with Accounts being the Primary Module)
    and begin using this, which should be useable on the Listview as a “Relate”-type field.
    (The 1-side of the 1-to-many exists as a relate field.
    See Opportunities->Account Name field)


From here, you could link through to the Projects and Accounts

Is anything above what you’re looking for?