Should multi select data be imported into one to many relate modules?


Some of the fields in the data I wish to import to SuiteCRM are multiple choice data, for example, two or three vehicle types may be stored in one field separated by semi colons.

My question is, should be creating related custom modules for these kind of fields (one to many), or is it reasonable to reformat the delimiter to a comma as SuiteCRM seems to use in these fields, and imports to a single custom module?

Many Thanks


You can create a dropdown list with all vehicle types inside

They must match what is in your spreadsheet file or it will be an error

create a field in the module - field type = multi select

select the vehicle type dropdown list you created

When importing you can use , to separate the types in the one field

Hope this helps

Thank you for the reply.

That is the approach I am using. It is a far simpler way, I just wanted to be sure it was best practice. I often have normalisation in mind when Iā€™m dealing with data, and wanted to be sure that the flat file approach was reasonable in the CRM.

Kind Regards



Sorry for jumping on an old question.

One downside of using multi select data in a single field is we would lose the ability to do any reasonable reporting as far as I can see, cross tabbing would not be possible within SuiteCRM for this type of data.

Is there functionality within SuiteCRM to help with this, or would this kind of reporting drive me to use one to many modules over multi select fields?

Many Thanks
