Setting up Outgoing mail with Hostgator

I have an instance of Suite Version 7.1.4
Sugar Version 6.5.18 (Build 1110)

It is hosted on Google cloud and installed using Bitnami

I’m having trouble getting the outgoing mail to work with my hostgator email

These are the errors
Fri Nov 28 06:21:12 2014 [6898][1][FATAL] SMTP -> ERROR: Failed to connect to server. Code: 110 Reply: Connection timed out
Fri Nov 28 06:21:12 2014 [6898][1][FATAL] SugarPHPMailer encountered an error: The following From address failed:

Any help is greatly appreciated

Hi there,

Looks like you have issues with connecting to the mail server.

Have you confirmed these details with your host?



All confirmed - definitely the correct settings as I have tested the same smtp server and login details with outlook on my desktop. I have tried SSL/TLS and using port 25 without security.

I changed the details to match each time, but there are the same errors regardless.

I agree that it sounds like a host issue, but I asked my host if they block access to outgoing mails from external clients etc, but they said that they don’t. block any access and they listen on port 465 for SSL connection

I contacted Hostgator to see if there were any issues their side and this is a transcription of the chat. What was tested by HostGator is included and it looks like there is a problem either with SuiteCRM or the one-click install from Bitnami on Google Cloud.

This is quite a long post and sorry, but it may save someone else time or give them an idea about what to test.

(6:37:15pm)Andrew W.: Welcome to HostGator LiveChat. I’d be glad to assist you today.
(6:37:40pm)Andrew W.: What is the domain that is giving you that 110 error

(6:38:23pm)Shaun Thomas: Hi Andrew. The error isreported through a CRM system that I host on Google Cloud
(6:39:03pm)Shaun Thomas: I am trying to set up the crm to use my email addresses that I have with Hostgator

(6:39:08pm)Andrew W.: I would need to replicate the error. Can you direct me where to go to see it?
(6:39:29pm)Andrew W.: ok, what email address are you using?

(6:39:40pm)Shaun Thomas:
(6:39:54pm)Shaun Thomas: I have tried with others too
(6:40:19pm)Shaun Thomas: I have tested the email address to make sure it is working

(6:44:00pm)Andrew W.: The settings for any email connection client are :
(6:44:09pm)Andrew W.: Username =
(6:44:16pm)Andrew W.: Password = the email password

(6:44:24pm)Shaun Thomas: Yeah, I have those in front of me.

(6:44:31pm)Andrew W.: incoming server =
(6:44:42pm)Andrew W.: outgoing server =
(6:45:25pm)Andrew W.: That’s it, nothing else is required for any email client

(6:45:32pm)Shaun Thomas: I tried those settings and I have tried the secure settings with as the outgoing server and on port 465
(6:46:06pm)Shaun Thomas: I used port 25 for unsecure outgoing

(6:47:29pm)Andrew W.: try port 587 for outgoing
(6:47:47pm)Andrew W.: the defaults work ( 25 ) but maybe they have a setting stopping it

(6:48:04pm)Shaun Thomas: Hang on - I’ll try 587
(6:50:27pm)Shaun Thomas: I just tried it three times - with SSL, TLS and no secure connection. here are the results
(6:50:32pm)Shaun Thomas:

Fri Nov 28 06:21:12 2014 [6898][1][FATAL] SugarPHPMailer encountered an error: The following From address failed
Fri Nov 28 10:48:58 2014 [6898][1][FATAL] SMTP -> ERROR: Failed to connect to server. Code: 110 Reply: Connection timed out

Fri Nov 28 10:48:58 2014 [6898][1][FATAL] SugarPHPMailer encountered an error: The following From address failed:
Fri Nov 28 10:49:15 2014 [8767][1][FATAL] SMTP -> ERROR: Failed to connect to server. Code: 110 Reply: Connection timed out

Fri Nov 28 10:49:15 2014 [8767][1][FATAL] SugarPHPMailer encountered an error: The following From address failed:
Fri Nov 28 10:49:32 2014 [3879][1][FATAL] SMTP -> ERROR: Failed to connect to server. Code: 110 Reply: Connection timed out
Fri Nov 28 10:49:32 2014 [3879][1][FATAL] SugarPHPMailer encountered an error: The following From address failed:

(6:50:49pm)Andrew W.: What is your email password ?
(6:50:58pm)Shaun Thomas:*******

(6:52:36pm)Andrew W.: checking now
(6:53:35pm)Andrew W.: That works, and no forwarders or filters are interfering.

(6:54:25pm)Shaun Thomas: Do you think there could be a problem with the PHP mailer code that for some reason doesn’t work with HG?

(6:54:31pm)Andrew W.: You will have to ask the CRM provider why this correct information is not working (do make sure you enter the entire email address for the username)

(6:54:49pm)Shaun Thomas: yeah, I have done that
(6:55:10pm)Shaun Thomas: So there is definitely nothing blocking a connection from HG?

(6:55:25pm)Andrew W.: we’re running a standard Linux server, and PHP is installed, so as long as the code is written correctly. it will work
(6:55:38pm)Andrew W.: I’ll do one more smtp check

(6:55:56pm)Shaun Thomas: Okay, Thanks for confirming that with me and for testing again

(6:57:17pm)Andrew W.: Sending , receiving working great, no problems with account

(6:57:43pm)Shaun Thomas: I just received your email. Okay thanks, I’ll go back to the CRM and see if there are code issues.

Hi, I have the same exact issue with hostgator mail server. Has anyone managed to make it work? How can I enable debug option to see the exact error?

I finally contacted to HostGator and they also have port 26 TLS open for E-Mail