I contacted Hostgator to see if there were any issues their side and this is a transcription of the chat. What was tested by HostGator is included and it looks like there is a problem either with SuiteCRM or the one-click install from Bitnami on Google Cloud.
This is quite a long post and sorry, but it may save someone else time or give them an idea about what to test.
(6:37:15pm)Andrew W.: Welcome to HostGator LiveChat. I’d be glad to assist you today.
(6:37:40pm)Andrew W.: What is the domain that is giving you that 110 error
(6:38:23pm)Shaun Thomas: Hi Andrew. The error isreported through a CRM system that I host on Google Cloud
(6:39:03pm)Shaun Thomas: I am trying to set up the crm to use my email addresses that I have with Hostgator
(6:39:08pm)Andrew W.: I would need to replicate the error. Can you direct me where to go to see it?
(6:39:29pm)Andrew W.: ok, what email address are you using?
(6:39:40pm)Shaun Thomas: myemail@mydomain.com
(6:39:54pm)Shaun Thomas: I have tried with others too
(6:40:19pm)Shaun Thomas: I have tested the email address to make sure it is working
(6:44:00pm)Andrew W.: The settings for any email connection client are :
(6:44:09pm)Andrew W.: Username = myemail@mydomain.com
(6:44:16pm)Andrew W.: Password = the email password
(6:44:24pm)Shaun Thomas: Yeah, I have those in front of me.
(6:44:31pm)Andrew W.: incoming server = mail.yourdomain.com
(6:44:42pm)Andrew W.: outgoing server = mail.yourdomain.com
(6:45:25pm)Andrew W.: That’s it, nothing else is required for any email client
(6:45:32pm)Shaun Thomas: I tried those settings and I have tried the secure settings with myserver.hostgator.com as the outgoing server and on port 465
(6:46:06pm)Shaun Thomas: I used port 25 for unsecure outgoing
(6:47:29pm)Andrew W.: try port 587 for outgoing
(6:47:47pm)Andrew W.: the defaults work ( 25 ) but maybe they have a setting stopping it
(6:48:04pm)Shaun Thomas: Hang on - I’ll try 587
(6:50:27pm)Shaun Thomas: I just tried it three times - with SSL, TLS and no secure connection. here are the results
(6:50:32pm)Shaun Thomas:
Fri Nov 28 06:21:12 2014 [6898][1][FATAL] SugarPHPMailer encountered an error: The following From address failed myemail@mydomain.com
Fri Nov 28 10:48:58 2014 [6898][1][FATAL] SMTP -> ERROR: Failed to connect to server. Code: 110 Reply: Connection timed out
Fri Nov 28 10:48:58 2014 [6898][1][FATAL] SugarPHPMailer encountered an error: The following From address failed: myemail@mydomain.com
Fri Nov 28 10:49:15 2014 [8767][1][FATAL] SMTP -> ERROR: Failed to connect to server. Code: 110 Reply: Connection timed out
Fri Nov 28 10:49:15 2014 [8767][1][FATAL] SugarPHPMailer encountered an error: The following From address failed: myemail@mydomain.com
Fri Nov 28 10:49:32 2014 [3879][1][FATAL] SMTP -> ERROR: Failed to connect to server. Code: 110 Reply: Connection timed out
Fri Nov 28 10:49:32 2014 [3879][1][FATAL] SugarPHPMailer encountered an error: The following From address failed: myemail@mydomain.com
(6:50:49pm)Andrew W.: What is your email password ?
(6:50:58pm)Shaun Thomas:*******
(6:52:36pm)Andrew W.: checking now
(6:53:35pm)Andrew W.: That works, and no forwarders or filters are interfering.
(6:54:25pm)Shaun Thomas: Do you think there could be a problem with the PHP mailer code that for some reason doesn’t work with HG?
(6:54:31pm)Andrew W.: You will have to ask the CRM provider why this correct information is not working (do make sure you enter the entire email address for the username)
(6:54:49pm)Shaun Thomas: yeah, I have done that
(6:55:10pm)Shaun Thomas: So there is definitely nothing blocking a connection from HG?
(6:55:25pm)Andrew W.: we’re running a standard Linux server, and PHP is installed, so as long as the code is written correctly. it will work
(6:55:38pm)Andrew W.: I’ll do one more smtp check
(6:55:56pm)Shaun Thomas: Okay, Thanks for confirming that with me and for testing again
(6:57:17pm)Andrew W.: Sending , receiving working great, no problems with account
(6:57:43pm)Shaun Thomas: I just received your email. Okay thanks, I’ll go back to the CRM and see if there are code issues.