Setting a startdate and - time doesnt work!

Hello evrybody - my administrator just recently updated to version “7.6.5
Sugar Versionen 6.5.23 (Build 1061)” and now im glad for the new interfaces and possibilities but there are few obvious flaws that i cant get my mind around how to solve them.
First off, theres the “Bug” (not knowing if it really is one) taht if u want to create a new campaign / or edit and older one , in the part of the campaign creation process where you come to the point “MARKETING” after campaign title > contactlist > Templates;

theres the field for startdate and start time with an * to mark the necessity of viable data: when u klick on calendar icon to set a date or put it in manually, same with the time, and klick on “save and continue” - then the same screen will show up again with the red -coloroud warning hint: that there is a missing field: startdate.
But i just set the date twice. first try with calendar toolkit and second by hand. The Suite system just wont let me get past this point. I could abort that edit/ draft of the campaign but then i fell like leaving behind a useless campagin zombie with no life to it- there just seems to be no posssibility to fix this.

And second, there is the print option in the editor which should print the edited draft as it is seen in the editor - but that is not the case - it will print the exact view that u have from looking a t the computer - and not the view that is shown for example in the preview tiool ( which btw is allso a bit buggy shifting formats by a considerable degree) - can u plz tell me how to print templates properly? or fix the function with an update.

Look in the attachment for more details. Thank you all very much for the Help, could really use some problem solving here! :wink:

please provide your system configuration, I’ve just tested this in my system and can’t replicate, as your other post

best regards

Hello mikebeck much appreciated for the quick answer - so configuration is linux Lubuntu 14.04, firefox 47.0, Intel E8400, 4GB RAM.
Problem documented in some attached pictures. so no matter if old existing campaings are trying to set up or new ones, startdatetime still dysfunctional and the print function shows the teared-to pieces view that u can see in the pictures. Thank you Sir for your Support.

what about your PHP version and MySQL version?

best regards

Hello mikebeck - unfortunatly I do not have deatils on php and mysql version / details.

best regards

Hello Sir,

thank you for the hints, but at step 2 it says:
Upload the file to the server. You should upload your file to the exact directory you want to test. Typically, this will be your httpdocs (/var/www/vhosts/ directory, although you can upload it to any subdirectory on your server as well. Use FTP to upload the file.

What server is meant here specifically? i dont have acces to any server - and what does this have to do with the Suite Software?
Its not really clear what to do with that information of step 2. Sorry about my technological illiteracy ( to a certain degree).