Set custom advanced filters for all users?


I am new to SuiteCRM (like as in just started using it today haha) and I’m not sure if this is even the right place to ask, but I would appreciate any help I can get. I have a user that has created a bunch of useful custom advanced filters for himself under a certain module’s list view and he would like to share them with the rest of our users, so that they can access them in the “My Filters” dropdown. How do I go about doing this? I found this article for SugarCRM, and it’s my understanding that most guides for SugarCRM work for SuiteCRM. Would this be a good place to start?


I haven’t tried them but I think they are specific to sugar (Aldo it may be worth the trying…) The alternative in SuiteCRM will be to create reports and allow users to access them.



You should write special code for this decision. The code of SugarCRM can’t work.

This will do for now until I’m able to put more time into this and try p.konetskiy’s suggestion, thank you. Do you know of any way I can let users sort each field by ascending/descending on the report while its running without making the user edit the report itself? Basically I have one condition set so that the “Assigned to” field has to == <a preset user>. The report itself shows only the Opportunities assigned to that user which is what I was looking for, but for QoL I would like to let the user sort by Priority or Date Modified.

I was hoping I wouldn’t have to do this haha. I only have programming background in C (and Matlab but I don’t think that counts). I’ve never tried any language that deals with web apps like this. Does SugarCRM use PHP? Do you have any suggestions or resources you can point me to so I can start learning the syntax and all that good stuff?

What is the problem with sort in reports? It is work by default.

Yes, SuiteCRM use PHP. There is all information: . You can ask If you have question. :wink:

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I just want arrows here so I can sort the list by ascending/descending etc.

Is this the customer module in subpanel?
All fields is sortable by default. For example you can look at file: modules/Calls/metadata/subpanels/default.php

Sorry, I meant this is in the “Reports” module. When I go to the module I get a list of reports I’ve made. For example I have two reports created now.

When I click on “testReport” it brings me here-

testReport functions how I want it to and it shows me all the stuff I want, but I would like to sort all the reported items by “Priority” “Opportunity Name” etc. Is this possible?

Thanks for your patience haha I appreciate all the help

Also, for future reference, how did you figure what that file does? Is it just from experience or does the developer guide have a directory or list somewhere that I can search for what each file does

I missed that the Reports isn’t standard module for SuiteCRM. It don’t use system subpanel and don’t support sorting for fields by default. You can write only custom code.

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Hi did you able to implement this.