Hey guys,
Some quick background information, I have been running a small test installation of the SuiteCRM UCS Debian VM for a few months. It has worked great and have had little no issues at all. Anything that came up was pretty easy for me to fix.
Recently, a user was trying to access and was unable to login. He was getting either ‘Invalid Credentials’ or ‘Session has expired’
I gave it a shot and was getting the same problems. Recovering my password and going into the DB and modifying the key would get me ‘Session has expired’ when logging in.
I can still access the Univention Portal.
I read the forums here, a few similar issues to mine so began that route.
Wasn’t out of disk space, or even close. Confirmed it wasn’t a credential issue, so I believed it to be the session.save_path which is /var/lib/php/sessions
currently sessions is
drwxrwx— 2 root root 4069
PHP whoami echoed www-data so I tried giving sessions www-data:www-data with the same result
I have tried many different things as well as changing the session.save_path to a new dir I created called ‘session’ just to see if it worked. But phpinfo is still showing /php/sessions to be the path. So I am not really sure where to go from here.
I try to make sure I search the forums very well before opening a topic, so hopefully, I didn’t overlook anything.