Server timeout errors

I am constantly getting server timeout errors when attempting to create a system Backup through the Admin panel or when simply accessing the accounts menu:

Request Timeout
This request takes too long to process, it is timed out by the server. If it should not be timed out, please contact administrator of this web site to increase ‘Connection Timeout’.

I have contacted my host service who has made every update they can but to no avail. Additionally, when a user logins in, the start SUITE DASHBOARD top menu appears and disappears rapidly.

The response I received from for host service is:

[i]I tried increasing the connection timeout to a higher value but the backup fails after that time. On the error logs only this warnings are showing,

[14-Oct-2015 12:14:19 America/New_York] PHP Strict Standards: Non-static method SugarConfig::getInstance() should not be called statically in /home/tropical/public_html/suitecrm/include/utils/sugar_file_utils.php on line 369
[14-Oct-2015 12:14:19 America/New_York] PHP Strict Standards: Non-static method ACLController::requireOwner() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /home/tropical/public_html/suitecrm/data/SugarBean.php on line 3116
[14-Oct-2015 12:14:19 America/New_York] PHP Strict Standards: Non-static method LanguageManager::loadModuleLanguage() should not be called statically in /home/tropical/public_html/suitecrm/include/utils.php on line 1100[/i]

We have all tried everything to resolve the issue but nothing seems to work. It is getting so bad that we may have to cease using SuiteCRM altogether and change products and you can imagine the headache can will be.

Any help will be appreciated.

You will need to increase PHP settings such as max_execution_time and others in your web servers php.ini. It’s not a restriction of SuiteCRM, but of your web server.

You should also suppress warnings/notices in your php.ini, so that strict standards warnings aren’t outputted.

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