separate url(links) for login and forgot password on the login page


I am trying to create two different pages for login and forgot password, with both the pages having two separate links(urls).
Is there any way by which I can do this?
If yes please reply asap…

thank you…

you need to modify these files

and of course create your new ones, is not an easy task and definetly not upgrade safe

best regards

Thank you for your quick reply…
But can you suggest us, what new files we need to create apart from forgot.tpl and how are we suppose to link those new files to the forgot password page ( which will be an altogether new page apart from login page with a new url) …

Note: We donot want to have any changes in the login page( apart from removing the forgot password part… )…

please reply asap…

I can’t suggest you anything, you need to get a developer to do that.

best regards

can you tell me if its possible in suitecrm?

yes, it is possible

best regards

can you suggest us some links related to this topic please …?

thank you


We got the solution. Right click on the login page, select View Page Source and copy the full source code in notepad and remove the login code and save it as forgot.php inside your CRM folder.

Now open your CRM instance in your browser as localhost/CRM instance/forgot.php and you are good to Go…