Sending Mail Probleme on SuiteCRM 8.0.1

Hi Everyone,

I’ve just install SuiteCrm version 8.0.1. I copied the mail configuration I had on another installation with v7.11.18 (on the same server) , the configuration seems correct (see message on screenshot) but I never receive the test mail , neither on spam.

Do you have any idea to help me find a solution ?

Thank you very much.

Capture d’écran 2022-01-08 à 20.09.19

Hi @nicopoal,

Sorry for the delay in replying

Yes, that is strange, that message should only show when the email was successfully sent.

Could you check the following logs, please? And check if there is any info that could help us trace the problem?

  • public/legacy/suitecrm.log
  • php error log

if you don’t see anything you could consider changing the following settings in config.php

  1. log level to debug or trace in
  array (
    'level' => 'fatal',
  1. stackTrace to true

To see if there any extra info that is relevant