Sending mail, changing name from

Hello everybody,
by default crmsuite sends the mails with administrator or user name
I have two emails:
Mail 1
Mail 2
I would like to set the sending of e-mails, in place of my read client sent by (Admin - User) see sent by Name mail (Mail 1, Mail 2)
How is it possible ?

thank you all

Where exactly did you set up these email accounts? There are 3 or 4 places in SuiteCRM to specify email accounts, which did you use?

Did you try setting a different “From name” there? But you need to try it and see if it still works, sometimes your ISP won’t allow you to change this field, they might reject your emails.

Pgr i have setting name account in administrator

Please try to be more precise and complete in your answers! I still don’t know where that screen is, I don’t know what you put in “From name”, I don’t know what appeared in your emails… :frowning:

sorry prg, i go in administrator - Outbound Email, here setting my name email


I think should next steps:

  1. Make correct parameters of SMTP settings for each user.
  2. Switch on flag Admin->Email config.
    See the screenshots.