Send the same campaign to same target list multiple times SOLUTION

If you want to send the same campaign to same target list multiple times go to modules/Campaigns/language/en_us.lang.php
Go to line 347 and delete
ā€˜LBL_LOG_ENTRIES_BLOCKEDD_TITLEā€™ => ā€˜Suppressed by Email Address or domainā€™,

Very simple process . Hope it helps.

:thinking: deleting the text label?

Ok, that should cause a FATAL PHP error that interrupts whatever function was runningā€¦ doesnā€™t that have also other unintended side-effects?

A simple method of sending a campaign again is to create a new email marketing record (from the subpanel in the campaigns detailview page)

Itā€™s supposed to be a safeguard by design so you DONā€™T send the same email to the same contact twice. If you do, itā€™s possible to trigger their spam filter and your contact wonā€™t receive future emails.