Send email within workflow from assigned user


i want to send email via workflow to lead from assigned user. I tried several configurations but nothing works as intended.
First i have define at admin -> email settings the system email account: From Name = “Mydomain CRM”, From Address= crm@, smtp-server / smtp username, smpt-password, smtp-port, enable SMTP over SSL. And i unchecked “allow users to use this account for outgoing mail”.

At user settings i defined users email settings: Email Address = (primary), Email Provider= (which is not editable), SMTP Username and SMTP Password.

Now I create a workflow which is assigning the user and also define an action “send email” with follwing parameter:

  • Send Individual Emails: checked
  • Email Template “my Mail Template”
  • Email: to record Email

This workflow is working, but it send always from system email account (crm@mydomain) not from users email account.

What can i do ?


SuiteCRM: 7.8.18 / Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

Sorry, but Workflows can only send as System account. Note that often Workflows are running when there is no logged in user at all, they run from a Scheduler job (except “On Save” workflows).

You would have to do some simple custom coding to get a different behavior.

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thanks for answer. That seems to be a logical.explanation.
Ok, i’ve to look for custom coding.

Kind regards