Send Email for contacts

Hello Everyone!

I am trying to send email to the contacts through the activities tab, but when I select the “send email” option only the main system email to send appears. I would like to send with my user’s email account.

I configured smtp in my user, but the option to select to send with my e-mail account does not appear. How do I do?

Which version of SuiteCRM are you running?

Version 7.10.7

I checked and this works well in my 7.10.7…

Do you see any errors in your logs?

The email account configured for the system works ok. But I need to send emails to contacts through accounts of crm users. However, the only email account that appears to select in the submission is the system account, even though I have created other email accounts for the users.

Another problem is in the campaigns … I can not select an account to bounce because “none” appears in the selection field.

I would attach the log file but it seems the forum upload button is not working …

I uploaded a zipped file with images and the error log.
If you can help me, I’m very grateful!

I uploaded a zipped file with images and the error log.
If you can help me, I’m very grateful!

Can you help me?
I uploaded a zipped file with images and the error log.
If you can help me, I’m very grateful!

Can you help me?

You didn’t find your php_errors.log? Those logs that are showing on the screen should be there, but there might be more, and it might be relevant.

Other than that, you really need to fix every single FATAL error in your log (except the MY_FRAME not set, that’s a false positive, safe to ignore).

Your email set up seems seriously broken. I guess once you get it right, most of the errors will magically go away. But you need to do that work yourself, I can’t check logs from a distance, without knowing what you were doing at the time each of those errors appeared.

Try clearing email configuration and starting from scratch, paying attention to BOTH logs. Then focus on the first thing that goes wrong and try to solve it, or ask for help again for that specific thing.

Thanks pgr! I’ll see the logs and try to solve this.