SecutirySuite not working...

Dear Team,

I am trying to assign multiple roles to group members but in group all the user only see owner created contacts .
I have crated two role one for owner and second one for group admin … but group admin are not able to view the group members contacts etc…
Pls help me …

Yes there is issue with Security Suite …Groups not working

I disagree… Security Groups still seem to be working to me… although I’m having a hard time getting them to work as expected with a custom module made through module builder.

@kumarankitgoel, did you assign the security group to the record? This relationship panel, at least on my instance, usually shows up at the bottom of the detailview for the record in question.

Hello everyone,

If you run into issues with SecuritySuite you’re best way to get help is to create a support case on the SecuritySuite support portal here:

There is also documentation on how to set up groups. A good one to start with is Example of a Typical Setup. This will cover all the steps. Review this and see if you missed one of the crucial steps (hint: all of the steps are crucial).

sieberta, thanks for jumping in and helping with that key step of adding groups to the records.


Now it’s working fine…

Thanks a lot…