Security Suite not Working


Security Suite is not working . They have already stopped free version .
Without security groups , I think our Suite CRM is of no use .
Need to find some alternative .

Hi Pawan,

In which way is Security Suite not working?



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Dear Will

Thanks for quick response , In security suite if i create 1 Group where i keep X , Y & Z users .
X , Y users are having owner permission Role .
Z user is having Group persmission Role .

According to Security Suite , Z user can see the data of X & Y . But in reality it is not showing .
5 Weeks back this used to happen .
The same thing i have tested on Sugar CE ,but problem remains same .

Also, Security suite has stopped providing free version . I think Eggsurplus has converted the security .

Please help .


I disagree… Security Groups still seem to be working to me… although I’m having a hard time getting them to work as expected with a custom module made through module builder.


The free version is still around. Heck, it ships with SuiteCRM.

If you run into issues with SecuritySuite you’re best way to get help is to create a support case on the SecuritySuite support portal here:

There is also documentation on how to set up groups. A good one to start with is Example of a Typical Setup. This will cover all the steps. Review this and see if you missed one of the crucial steps (hint: all of the steps are crucial).

I’m always help to help whether you’re using the free or paid versions.



Please could you provide a quick list of what is needed to make custom modules work with SecuritySuite groups?
We are having trouble with that.
