Second Tax in Quotes and Invoices

How would I go about adding a second tax into Quotes or Invoices

In canada they split the taxes into Provincial Sales Tax (PST) and Goods and Services Tax (GST)

And by law in Canada the PST and GST must be shown separately.

I have looked at the vat_list in the dropdown editor and changed one of the taxes

but I need to show the tax calculations split into GST and PST

Can someone point me in the right direction or to the docs on how to do this.


Hello Scott,

You need to do heavy customization in order achieve this. Quotes and invoices edit,detail views and the javascripts.

I got this resolved and yes with HEAVY modifications to the Javascript and Minor Modifications to generatorPDF.

I posted here first because I didn’t see the developer section.

This can be deleted as it is a duplicate question now.