Second installation of SuiteCRM on GoDaddy/cPanel

I have an installation of SuiteCRM (version 7.9.4) on GoDaddy installed via the cPanel which is being used as a production environment. I would like to find out how I can create a second installation of SuiteCRM that can be used as a development/test environment that will not affect the website or database that’s currently in use for production. I contacted GoDaddy support and they recommended creating a subdomain and install via cPanel there, but they recommended I reach out to third party support to verify this was the way to go. I appreciate any input. It’s a new product that I’ve been working with and I’m very impressed on how flexible it is.

What do you run locally, on your desktop PC, or your laptop? Often people just prefer to have they’re test environments local, to avoid hosting costs and make everything faster, and to have (much) more control. It can make sense to host online on GoDaddy, if you really want to emulate teh exact environment of your production set up, though.

This will give you some food for thought:

Apart from all these considerations, if you do get up a second hosting space (whether it’s a subdomain or not), you should be fine. Just set it up on the same SuiteCRM version of your production site, and then you can export the entire database from phpMyAdmin, and import on the other. Then move you custom directory from one to the other, Repair and Rebuild, and you should have a working clone.

Look here on the forums or on Google for people explaining this in more detail.

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I currently use InMotion hosting and prior to that, Arvixe.

I have never had any problems setting up multiple instances of SuiteCRM in a hosted environment.

Using the Softaculous (or equivalent) installer, you merely specify the desired sub-folder for the installation. (I have always just set things up as “suite790”, “suite7101”, etc., so I can immediately see, by the URL, what version I am currently logged into. It enables me to keep old versions of SuiteCRM, just in case I need to retrieve any custom PHP or CSS changes, to add to a current version).

Thanks for your help. I’ve successfully cloned the site and database! Great idea about using the version in the URL.