Search using AOD didn't find record


I create a record in product module (AOS) but if I search with AOD using part of product name I didn’t find anything. if I use standard SugarCRM it works.

Search accross Account module works also with AOD, and the scheduler (Luciene and AOD Index) work correctly.

Is there any additional configuration I need to set up?


Can you provide more details on your search so that we can replicate/test?

Hi Will,
I’m facing a similar issue - can’t get a custom field to show up in search. I have added a new field to identify an account uniquely. This filed does not come up during the search. similarly for products, i have added a unique code to identify it uniquely and now this too does not show up. I have disabled AOD. Same issue here too
I am using the % wildcard, but the results are not as expected.
Version is 7.2.2 | Sugar Version 6.5.20 (Build 1001)
The error message is “There were no results found. Please search again.”
It then shows a box above titled: “Drag and drop to select modules and to change the display order. Perform a search to apply the changes.”

Do let me know what can be done to search through the entire database, all fields, globally.