Search results go to installation disabled page

After install and all looks good, the search works fine, but when selecting one of the results, it doesn’t go to the contact but instead heads to the SuiteCRM Installation has been disabled page. Any ideas?

Make sure you have correct permissions. Also check errors in the log files.

Set the required permissions

If you are using the terminal you can do this by running:

find . -type d -not -perm 2755 -exec chmod 2755 {} \;
find . -type f -not -perm 0644 -exec chmod 0644 {} \;
find . ! -user www-data -exec chown www-data:www-data {} \;
chmod +x bin/console

Please have in mind that:

  • The user and group name (in the above example www-data ) needs to be replaced by the actual system user and group that your webserver runs under. This varies depending on your operating system. Common web server users are as follows:

    • www-data (Ubuntu Linux/Apache)
    • apache (Linux/Apache)
  • If the group name differs from the username apache is running with, you may need 0664 instead of 0644, and 2775 instead of 2755

Please have a look at the site_url value in the config.php or config_override.php

Already ran the commands but have ran again just in case. Also check site_url in both files and is all good. Only thing i saw was hostname is set to localhost in the override file, wasnt sure if this should be the FQDN

It should be the fqdn

FQDN means Fully Qualified Domain Name . It is the fullest possible domain name of a host or a computer, on the internet.

Several examples of such different hostnames are:

Renamed install.php in the public folder so now just get a blank screen. Not sure why its not just bringing up the contact. If i open the contact without the search it works fine

Altered the localhost to FQDN however same situation

The search itself works fine. Type David and the list shows, its only when I click the search results that it goes to the disabled installation page. I’ve even enabled the page and tried in case it needed to install components but to no avail.

That’s weird! Do you have any errors in the log files? Did you customize anything?

Havent customised anything. Imported a bit of data thats all. Where are the log files? I’ve installed and maintained suger before but a long long time ago.

These locations:




Hi there, did you ever get to the bottom of this? I’m seeing the same problem and tried the above steps.