Hey guys,
Whenever i try to search, i get no results, then i have to click on:
Use standard SugarCRM search
to get results!
Why is that?
Hey guys,
Whenever i try to search, i get no results, then i have to click on:
Use standard SugarCRM search
to get results!
Why is that?
Hi there,
That is the Advanced Open Discovery search. It is an enhanced full text search that we have developed for SuiteCRM. You need the SuiteCRM scheduler to be running for this to index(Admin -> Schedulers).
If you do not wish to use AOD, you can disable it in Admin -> AOD Settings.
Thanks for your reply Will…
I have the scheduler active for AOD, but still no results
where else can i go?
the job log contains no data… should i go to cpanel >> cron jobs?
Hi there,
Yes as if there is nothing in the log, the scheduler job most likely has not been running. If it says last run ‘Never’, then it has not run.
How can i configure the cronjob on cpanel to point to your service?
I am totally in the dark here
Hi there,
You can find the cron command to enter in Admin -> Schedulers(it is listed at the bottom of the list of schedulers).
There looks to be documentation for cpanel here.
Hi Will,
Can you help with this user request:
When we search Accounts (and contacts) we have to put exactly the first part of the name.
Would it be possible to search by “if it contains”, this is how other apps return results and is very useful.