Search Month Based on Birthdate Field in Contacts Module


I have a birthdate field at Edit View, Details View and List View of Contacts module.

Now, I would like to know whether I can search the contacts based on month (e.g. May) so that it will display all contacts who are born in the month of May.

Kindly advise. Thanks.


Hi All,

Can anyone help me in this??



You can’t do that with the basic search of SuiteCRM, neither with the Reports module of SuiteCRM. You can do it with a third party module from AlineaSol, their reports module, they have search criteria based on specific months

best regards

Hi Mike,

Thanks for the info.

I went to the website and there are so many different modules. Is it possible to know which one that I need to download?

Furthermore, can this modules works with SuiteCRM since they are designed for SugarCRM?

Kindly advise. Thanks.

Search for AlineaSol Reports, read the installation documentation, and yes, it works with SuiteCRM, I’m using it.

Best regards

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Hi Mike,

Thanks for the help. I will install and try it out.

No problem, if you need further help, just let me know.

best regards

Hi Mike,

I will let you know if I need help.

Please give me your email address. Thanks.