Search for emptyness

The following search criteria would be very useful in some cases:
Field empty
Field not empty

That would be incredible if you guys implement this.

Hi guys,

I looked this up and came across this forum topic. It may not be exactly what you are looking for but may help(read last post).



I actually already came across that thread but I was more thinking along the lines of you guys adding it to SuiteCRM to avoid having to do these custom procedures (I have not had a chance to actually test out the suggestion in the topic to see if it works).

I checked Enhanced search 3.1 from Dispage.
The free, Basic version solves this problem in Sugarcrm 6.5.16. You can search for emptiness of a field.
We tried to install it to SuiteCRM 7.0.1, but it failed.
Don’t you have plans to implement Enhanced Search Basic version into SuiteCRM?