Search for Contacts which are assigned to specific Accounts


Because the adding of contacts linked to accounts does not work (see here) I thought there may be another solution…

Is it possible to search for contacts which are linked to specific accounts with specific attributes?
List all contacts which are linked to accounts where the account has the value X in field Y.

Is there anywhere an option to do such advanced-advanced search?

I have developed a module that will add or remove to/from a target list
. all contacts of accounts resulting from a search
. all other related contacts (there may be another custom relationship between accounts and contacts) to the accounts resulting from a search
. a combination of the above (accounts, contacts, other related contacts)

At the moment it is not upgrade safe and I am working towards making it so.

The next step will be to do it also for contacts.

In theory you should be able to do this with a report but my method is quite faster to use.

Please contact me via email if you are interested (info at forthalia dot com)