That sounds very broken. SuiteCRM out of the box does behave the way you want (the way everyone wants!)
You’ve been on the forums for a year I see - I assume that the search was working until this week - so I guess the question is: what has happened recently?
The usual questions then:
what version of Suite / PHP / OS
which page is this happening in? (Contacts search I guess?)
is search broken for other Contact fields? (first name … account name …?)
for other modules ?
what happens if you put a wildcard % at the end of the search string?
how customised is your Suite; especially the Contacts module - are you the guy who does the PHP customisations - or some one else (ie is it easy to get specific info on what has changed, or not)
anything showing in logs?
do you use version control for changes -would it be quick to roll back.
Earlier you mentioned a search problem that indicates your system customisation or config is badly broken - you wrote:
For example, for the job title “sales manager”, I have to write the whole title, it does not find it with only the word “sales”.
If that problem is still there (and users are forced to add % to the end of the Title search field… then you need to solve that first.
If your users have to work round and put % at the start of the Title field to find ‘sales manager’ - then: Yes your system is ‘not normal’ it is broken. Suite out-of-the-box does not need that.
** Secondly you have not answered the questions I asked about your system set up:**
In any forum, the chances of getting a helpful suggestion is increased if the user includes detailed information to help the reader understand.
These questions were not answered:
I assume that the search was working until this week - so I guess the question is: what has happened recently?
which page is this happening in? (Contacts search I guess?)
is search broken for other Contact fields? (first name … account name …?)
for other modules ?
how customised is your Suite; especially the Contacts module - are you the guy who does the PHP customisations - or some one else (ie is it easy to get specific info on what has changed, or not)
anything showing in logs?
do you use version control for changes -would it be quick to roll back.
Are you familiar with how wild cards work in general?
That putting % at the START of a field definitely changes the search (in a SuiteCRM that is working normally) ? (unlike some applications, that do a ‘wider’ search, ie to allow matching all job titles that CONTAIN the word ‘sales’, not just the ones that START with that word’.
Whereas adding a % at the END of the Title field does NOT change the search (in a SuiteCRM that is working normally - or any normal application because it is common practise for an app to assume the user did not want an exact match, but a ‘starts with’ match.
I had never used the search engine in this way so maybe I had this problem for a while without realizing it.
It’s on the contacts page yes, I use suitecrm for contact management
I don’t use it on the other modules
I’m the one who makes the changes, but I’ve never touched the code, these are changes made through the “Admin” part
I have nothing in the logs
I don’t use version control for modifications
What I want is when I search for the word “sales” in the job title it finds all the jobs that contain the word “sales”. My goal is to create lists of targets related to sales.
It works when I put “%” at the beginning, I never put it at the end.
Yes, I have heard of wildcards but don’t really know how they work , thanks for the explanation.
Does putting the % at the beginning mean that my application has a problem ?