Search Dropdown instead of Multiselect

Hello guys,

I have a question regarding the “Basic Search” view. The dropdown fields in some module are looking alike multiselect fields and our company do not like it. Because it is harder to look when you have more options and logically it’s wrong. Because it is dropdown field ( you choose one ), unlike the multiselect.

When i modify custom/modules/<module_name>/metadata/searchdefs.php

add below code to my field dropdown from multiselect

'displayParams' => array(     
      'size' => 1, 

But it does not work properly. I m using Suite 7.8.6 version with Suite7 theme.

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Hi! Just to reply that It worked for me. The solution of adding that code to the dropdown field is correct. It will display the dropdown as enum at searchdefs view instead of a multienum.

'displayParams' => array(     
      'size' => 1, 