Search bar no longer works after upgrade to 7.1.1

We recently upgraded to 7.1.1.

Since the upgrade use of the search bar at the top of the page no longer gives any results. Instead you are prompted to click the link ‘Use Standard SugarCRM search’.

Is this a known bug? Is it a setting somewhere that can be changed?

If it is a problem, is there a way to set the seacrh bar to use the ‘Standard SugarCRM search’ as the default search?

Any guidance gratefully received.

Hi there,

You need to ensure your cron job is setup to run and that the scheduler for AOD is running. AOD needs to index, or it will not show any results. You can enable/disable AOD by navigating to Admin -> AOD Admin.



Might you also need to add this to crontab file?

Note: In order to run Sugar Schedulers, add the following line to the crontab file:

          • cd YOUR_PATH_HERE/suitecrm; php -f cron.php > /dev/null 2>&1

Will, my “Optimise AOD Index” job is running but AOD never returns any results (I had to disable it because of this). SuiteCRM is running on win server 2008 r2 and sql server 2008 r2.