Schelduler interval doesnt work

I have a CRON linux working correctly each 1 min (php cron.php). But all tasks defined in suitecrm administrator interface greater than 1 min is running each 1 minute, no mather the value i choose.

I have tasks defined to execute each 30 min but it is executed each min.

can you share more details about where you have defined your tasks? What is the interval set in admin for each cron job

I have my own tasks, but all tasks are running each minute, for example, workflow task that is native.

I set the interval in Adminstrator schedule interface.

when a set only the minutes interval it does not work, but if set the hour field its works.

So the problem is the minute interval.

I think the code responsable for the time calculation is wrong.

I am using SQLServer

I don’t see the problem. Which version of SuiteCRM do you use?

I am using 7.10

Did you try SQL Server? I think it gets some date/time information from database.

I will try to debug still these week


Check the bug fixes for version 7.10.x.

If you are writing about MS SQL Server, then No. I am using MySQL. If you thinking that problem this database, you can check tables

  • schedulers - list of all tasks.
  • job_queue - history of last tasks running.